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Why did you take her? I cry to God. He said, She wasn't yours to keep.
But why her? Why did you have to choose her?” quietly I plea.
I didn't choose her, I chose you” His answer boldly came.
I don't understand” I replied. And He answered me once again,
I needed a mother for an angel. Not just any person would do.
I needed someone very special, and that's why I chose you.
I needed someone with strength of heart, and courage beyond compare.
I needed someone I could rely on who wouldn't be afraid to care.'
A person that sees beyond the pain, and understands the hurt.
To be a mother to an angel is the grandest of My work.
I saw in you, all these things. You were perfect for the job.
I didn't know quite what to say, and all I could do was sob.
Don't cry, My child, I know this is hard, but it is all a part of My plan.
I've been with you along the way, I've never stopped holding your hand.
'This job is tough and not meant to be easy, even now that My angel is home.
And you've made Me so proud to see how in faith and love you have grown.
I will always be near and you have a special place,
For becoming a mother to an angel of grace.
My heart became still, my mind was at peace; the answer had become clear.
I finally understood it all; the reason I was here.
Thank you, God, for seeing in me what I could not.
Your will is done and my service to You, will never stop.'
And God said, 'I know'
Chosen One by Heather D. Will

She was an angel that we had recieved.
One day though, God said she had to leave.
Too good for the world,she said goodbye.
Tried to say I love you to her mom so she opened her eye.
A beautiful girl,like a doll,
a flower in a field,the most precious of all.
Watching over us she is free,
by the side of Jesus we will one day be able to see.
Untitled by Katie Parson


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